Saturday, 29 October 2011

Love - A SOUL Remembrance

We, The Guardians, understand “LOVE” as communion between soul energies in a way that inspires mutual awe, heart expanding love and unparalleled forgiveness. This Loving communion is effortless expansion outside the frame of your human body. Be assured that SOUL is the vehicle of LOVE remaining always connected to the living human heart and mind.

With each SoulDance you return to body with remembered Universal (God) Love.  As a part of Earth’s larger vibrational mass, Humans need to remind their human mind and heart to REMEMBER Love as communion beyond religious connotation.  The reasons will be revealed a little more with each message translated to this site.  Each message gently prepares you to dance beyond The Veil on 11:11:11.  We are already holding your hand.  You are already sensing what it is to SoulDance  and return with your SOUL remembrance of Love. 

How does SOUL remember Love? 
SoulDancing is a Loving up-liftment and remembrance of soul by SOUL.  The Dance is a blending, merging soul flight connecting enlightened hearts with Source Oneness.  Your SOUL remembrance of Love is Eternal and Universal.  This Remembrance translates back into every love relationship in human experience. SOUL Love remembrance goes to your cells, your intellect, your heart ... clearing, cleansing and opening space for earthbound love to merge with the eternal and universal. Your heart and mind become more understanding and forgiving because they are experiencing much greater love than words can express.   

In Preparation for your SOUL Remembrance of Love
When you choose to SoulDance on 11:11:11 this is your new beginning. Simply imagine your SOUL free to move outside the earthly dimension,  You are with it and within YOU at the same time. You are already learning how to do this.  Your SOUL reaches for Universal Source and instantly connects rejoining the everpresent flowing dance of Universal energies. Even one moment of SoulFlight is enough time for Love Remembrance to begin.  You feel an instant recharge AND a healing of the stress and pain of this world.

What will YOU feel?
Love Remembrance is the sensation of your heart expanding with LOVE beyond anything you have ever known.  Massive JOY floods every cell in your body and mind the moment your SOUL begins it’s Dance between the dimensions.  You retain this cellular memory of Love. 

How would a new measure of LOVE change your life?   Imagine bringing even a fraction of this feeling into your relationships, career, raising your children, as you remain connected with Universal Love beyond The Veil.

How much will YOU hold onto?
Even though this SOUL/mind expansion may be beyond your understanding today, simply accept this Gift.  Your opening and remembrance of “soul time before time” will be gentle and awesomely beautiful.   While your sleeping dreams are fleeting, be assured that you will remember every SoulDance moment.  We encourage you to SoulDance often for once you remember you can take flight whenever you choose.

Today’s Message
Love ... A SOUL Remembrance removes the Veils that separate human from human AND dimension from dimension. 

This is enough for you to know today.  You are already SoulDancers in having chosen to return to this site.  Your awakening is already happening as you simple read the messages.  

So be welcome and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

           The SoulDancer

Friday, 28 October 2011

Welcome SoulDancers

A loving Welcome to all souls and the "human beings" with whom they share this earthly path.  Now, in advance of 11:11:11 We wish to share answers to questions you may already be asking.  We, The Guardians are speaking with you from love and gratitude for your existence.

Firstly, be reassured that 11:11:11 begins an era of gentle communication between our dimensions and yours.  It is also a time for each human "being" in your dimension Earth, to open new ways of communicating with other human "beings".  Be assured there is a mutual Earthly and Universal need for this to happen at this time.

SoulDancing is the vehicle we have chosen to help YOU return to your core SOUL memories.  If you choose to open your human awareness to remember SOUL,  your learning begins here with understanding "Beingness". 

Your "Beingness" embraces two simple elements. As a human "being" your body is the container for life experience powered by heart and mind.  As SOUL you are an ever-living energy imbued with remembrance of and access to your origin. 

Becoming a SoulDancer, you will quickly return to your original alignment of human heart to etheric soul recognition.  You will regain clarity of your own unique reason for being.  Heart, Mind and SOUL will embedd deeply into your earthly dimension as you take flight in all other dimensions

Imagine remembering how to communicate in the way your SOUL communicates best?   

This SOUL remembrance will not only heal YOU but it will begin to heal your suffering planet, as well as help to rebalance the Universe.  We need your help as much as you need your own remembrance to move out of fear, uncertainty and pain. 

You may wonder what SOUL communication is?   This all part of "Beingness".

SOUL communication is the harmonic, the interweaving of energies which support that which you call Love.  Love is the first and only true communication.  You may also understand this "love" as gratitude and appreciation, two entirely difference awarenesses which when combined with love is a powerful Universal change agent. 

We understand how overwhelming this first soul awakening message may be.  In stepping into SOUL awareness, kindness and generosity to your self opens space to hold these new thoughts as they become more clear with each message we send.

We encourage you to visit often for next steps in this unfolding SoulDance.  We ask you to subscribe and share these messages. 

In the next few weeks We will prepare you in love and gentle, opening awareness to release your SOUL to its remembered greatness.

Our next message will explain Love in a way you are only just beginning to remember.   By 11:11:11 you will be ready to take flight in your own SoulDance for the first time.   

So be welcome and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

          The Souldancer