Tuesday 1 November 2011

Love - Your Heart Song Remembrance

Dearest SoulDancers

If Love is SOUL language and if you, like most people have forgotten how to love yourself, then how do YOU remember how to communicate with SOUL in its native language?  
Today We share SOUL’s Heart Song melody as a sensory element of Love...  “To experience is to understand, to open to and to retain knowing.   The Guardians”.    

So Dear SoulDancers simply read or listen or watch each message as we deliver it and ask yourself,  “What am I remembering?”  

Be assured,  We are with you, as you breathe into remembering where your Heart Song rests and how it tickles your transparent soul ears. 

 Why is SoulDance important?
“Before the dance comes the music.  With the music comes remembrance.  With the vibration of remembrance come awareness, joy, passion and purpose.”

Remembering Soul Energy
SOUL melody is your signature energy and key to your SoulDance.  Earth is a loud dimension.  Learning to listen with transparent soul ears returns you to a gentler way of being, a place to rest and recharge.    

What does this mean in human terms? 
Each SOUL is a single DNA strand in the Universal Energy Flow.  Your vibration positive, negative or indifferent affects the Universe.  Your SoulDance continues regardless of whether or not YOU show up in awareness of it taking place.  These messages bring you awareness of SoulDance.  Now you can choose how you show up, take part, rejuvenate yourself and rejuvenate the Universe at the same time. 
The Universe needs your positive energetic vibration, shared in joy and passion to harmonize with Universal Energy.  We understand this means nothing to you right now and may even sound too ridiculous to contemplate.  This is also awareness.

The Guardians are here at this time to guide you gently back to remembrance of SOUL and SoulDance.     

Why would YOU want to know your Heart Song?
The melodic vibration of Heart Song stills the confusion and chaos in your heart, clears your human sight to recognize the pathways to your soul purpose and releases passionate joy in a way you may never have humanly experienced.   

For your clarity, We define the freeform Universal Energy State as ... “SOUL with the ability to return to its original non physical state to express existence in its purest form”.  When in SOUL state, you resonate purity as ... Joy, Passion and Love.  SOUL has no discernable body, no solid shape.  SOUL communicates through vibration.   This is SOUL that has returned to its Universal energetic signature. 

What have you remembered today? 
Dearest SoulDancers you are both human and SOUL.  Your SOUL is a vibrational entity with its own melody. Your SOUL is a DNA strand already included in the Universal Energy Flow.  Your SOUL shows up and influences that Flow without your human awareness.  YOU, the human you has the power to enter the Flow in partnership and awareness with your SOUL to make a lasting difference positive, negative or indifferent to Humanity and to the Universe.  

This enough awareness for today Dear Ones.  We are here to gently bring awareness and to aid you in your remembrance.  

Our next message will take you gently into your heart to hear your SOUL melody. 

So be welcome and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your soul remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

         The SoulDancer