Hello Soul Dancers,
Today's message is a departure from soul healing messages so graciously shared by The Soul Guardians.
Today, I've been asked to share my own reality as the human translator gifted with this joyful life purpose to be part of earth healing.
Yesterday, 11:10:11 I was honoured to share Soul Dance with a group of 11 women whose curiosity and passion to heal themselves and their worlds led them to invite me to personally take them through the Soul Dance experience. As each woman connected with heart melody, she slipped into her own soul dance. One guest commented later that she had never been in a room with so many light beings. They became humans having a soul experience. Soul healing was triggered.
As I awoke this morning, my own energy had shifted yet again. This morning was the dawning of something I hadn't felt before. Everything was different. I was guided to wash, dress and walk down to the water at dawn. With the sunlight streaming down, dancing and glinting off the calm water, of course I was led to where I was supposed to be. Nothing new in that.
In Coronation Park, there is a Memorial to Fallen Soldiers. It's a cleverly disguised labyrinth, beautiful, moving and powerful. Being Remembrance Day, I figured a prayer of appreciation couldn't hurt, so I walked the labyrinth into the centre. As I walked the concentric circles, The Guardians shared that there are billions of souls lost in grief, despair and pain from generations of victims of war; men,women, children all in pain from what was inflicted upon them, what they inflicted upon others, guilt, fear, chaos, unfulfilled dreams. These billions of Souls had not "passed into the light". In our SoulDancer terms we would say they have not "returned to Source". They are still wondering and wandering confused and in pain.
The Guardians shared how these souls affect the vibration of this dimension because they are still connected with us, resonating intense pain and fear. Imagine how their combined vibration affects not only living humanity, but this planet and every other dimension as they broadcast their confusion?
This wasn't a thought I had ever had. Until today, we living souls have never even considered the effect of so many lost souls. The message was that they needed healing in this dimension before they could return to Source. "These souls are existing in SOUL but not connected with or REMEMBERING their soul bodies, melody, harmonic or connection to their native language of love vibration."
Because they left this plain so quickly, in trauma without transition, they don't know how to release their human-ness, their pain and return to pure love without restriction.
They are SOULS stuck in human experience and needed to be returned to SOUL having a SOUL experience.
As I stood in the centre of this memorial facing the Sun at sunrise, I was invited to invite them ALL to dance. Amazing, I’m shaking just thinking about it.
My eyes were closed and instead of darkness I saw deep red with a pinpoint of light on the horizon, then slowly there were all these tiny dark particles streaming in. They swarmed and swooped but always heading into that pinpoint. More and more flew into view until my entire soul vision was viewing this incredible dance to silent music. They weren't colour filaments but more like the murmuration video I saw and shared with friends last week. Slowly as my vision widened, I realized that while more and more, millions, billions I don't know how many, joined in and filtered through the portal on the horizon, the colour of the dimension we were in, had flowed from red into orange, then to soft pastels of light sunlight, blues and the softest greens. The Dance continued as more and more joined. The portal expanded filling my whole vision with magnificence of pastel light waves, broad swaths of colour moving, merging and dancing. Finally the message came that the healing of those lost souls was complete and they had returned to SOURCE, whole, healed and loving.
I was thanked for trusting that my human-ness would be safe in inviting generations of lost souls to return home. I felt gratitude flowing into me from so many other dimensions. Of course I offered my own gratitude for being blessed with this gift to give.
I realize that being the translator for this amazing group of teachers, has changed my life. I don't see human existence as I did. I'm willing to risk moving into the unknown because I feel connected to something larger than me.
I hope that this sharing has given you a glimpse into a human having a human experience consciously shared with SOUL. I am not alone, you are not alone, you have as much ability to share in this experience as I.
Tomorrow, I am being directed to translate Part 3 of Healing The Planet - A Remembrance.
Enjoy InJOY
The SoulDancer