Dearest Soul Dancers,
In our previous Guardian message you were guided into Soul Dance for a second time and reminded not only your of Soul Melody but also re-introduced to your Soul Body, the transluscent colour energy you carry within. One tiny step at a time, you continue your preparation for Soul Dance beyond the Veil. Today you will Dance a slightly different Dance as you learn the anatomy of energy healing for yourself, mankind, the planet and The Universe. Tomorrow you will experience a deeper understanding of how you heal yourself.
In this moment, at this time, in this place The Guardians encourage you to ask yourself, "What is my intention for Remembrance of Soul?"
Dear Ones, be reminded that Soul Dance remembrances have purpose beyond joy and passion remembered. Your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered for your highest and greatest good. So before you move on, quietly form your intention for remembrance of SOUL and hold that intention, as you open awareness to the Guardian messages on healing.
Today We begin to speak of healing. We observe how you search and struggle and question healing. Your human bodies are afflicted, your human minds try to contain it all and your human spirit often feels broken, battered and bruised. You pray for healing.
The Universe is a miracle. Your SOUL connects you to your own miracle. YOU are the miracle... where you are right now this moment, in this time, in this place, this is your miracle. Many may feel anger, bitterness, hurt, abandonment and turn away from feeling that where you are NOW is your miracle. We encourage you to look deeper, the miracle is laying at your feet waiting for you lift the veil from your sight, to reach for and grasp your lifeline.
Opening to SOUL to discover what your miracle really is.
Dear Ones, We cannot, will not promise to make miracles for you because it is not within our capability to do so. We can only guide you to SOUL and to remembering replenishment of rejoining Universal Soul Source. What you find within your SOUL connection will advise you, hold you safe no matter your human condition and bring you back to SOURCE energy at every moment. Your conscious presence is clear sight to your miracles. Your conscious presence is within your grasp and always has been.
You pray for healing. Dear Ones, which healing do you pray for? Do you wish to heal yourself, mankind, the planet, The Universe?
Part of Our work as Soul Guardians is to teach through sharing knowledge. We feel it is important before We continue further guidance into awareness that you open to a visual of the anatomy of Universal healing. Know that YOU do not stand alone and We are here with you, holding you in a safe space. You, the individual is connected as one of four pillars anchored both in your world and beyond. The skeleton of the Universe begins with YOU.
When you are ready to stretch a little further simply close your eyes, focus inward, find the stillness and "see" a multidimensional cube suspended in space. Locate the four pillars that define the corners of the cube. Notice the first pillar closest to you is YOU. In a moment we will use Soul Dance to bring this image and power of YOU into clarity. Broaden your soul vision to "see" the next pillar. It is mankind. Become aware that mankind is a single energetic entity. Expand your "sight" to include the third pillar ...your planet. Notice how it is polarized top and bottom, feel how its magnetic harmony anchors the cube. Finally extend your "sight" to the fourth pillar ... The Universe, sense the energy flow within it. Notice how each of the four pillars are equal in size, power and placement. YOU are empowered to become your own miracle.
If you so choose you may begin your third experience with Soul Dance. When ready, once again, close your eyes, search inward and find the place where you "see" four powerful pillars anchoring the four outer sides of the multi-dimentional cube suspended in space. Locate the pillar which is YOU. Bring this pillar into deeper focus. Breathe a little deeper, still your mind, go to your Soul Song, hear your unique melody. Bring the melody into your heart and hold for a moment. When it feels right, widen your vision until you sense the energy of your transluscent signature colours. Be with them as them come together to begin their dance to the melody. As you move with your signature energy, your SOUL, becomes the pillar that is YOU in the structure of the Universe. YOU are there, taking your place as SOUL energy anchoring your corner of the cube.Stay in this moment, in this time, in this place for no longer than a few moments allowing yourself to sense to structure of which your SOUL is an anchor. Feel the JOY, the grounding and the harmony of the anatomy of the Universe. Know that by "being" here in the fullness of SOUL you are healing. Now become aware of and move back into heart gratitude as you prepare to return to your earthly dimension.
Bring your SOUL awarness gently back into Heart, breathe into the stillness becoming aware of your heart beat. Return slowly to your human self, in this moment, in this time, in this place. Feel you human body awakening, appreciating your moments with SOUL and gently come back into awakening.
Dearest SoulDancers, You may be wondering why you can't just learn how to Soul Dance and go out this minute magically dancing to find your life purpose, give away your fear, stress and pain. In this time in your world, in our Universe, healing is necessary and imminent. As SoulDancers, in your awareness of the power of the Dance, you will become healers. Most of you will dance for your own pleasure at first. Soul Remembrance comes from Soul Dancing. The joy and passion you remember will help YOU to heal yourself first. Your healing energy organically combines with all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet. The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabalize the Universal Energy Flow. So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as child like return to innocence, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.
We, The Guardians are teaching you steps to Remembrance and teaching you the anatomy of healing because you need knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an empowered life. As you evolve to partner with your SOUL you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions. Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for YOUR world.
So, now is the moment to return to your intention to Soul Dance Beyond The Veil.
It is time to answer these questions. WHY do you feel a need to Soul Dance? How do you want Remembrance as SOUL to change your life?
In our next message, you will learn the anatomy of healing yourself first. And you will use Soul Dance again to connect to the essence of your own healing.
So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.
Enjoy InJOY
The SoulDancer