Thursday, 15 December 2011

Healing Earth Remembrance Part 2 of 3

Dearest Soul Dancers,

In healing your Earth, your beautiful fragile planet, it is so important that you open your human eyes and ears to partner with your soul eyes and ears.  Yesterday, SoulDancer, our human translator, suggested We share a very beautiful video link as an additional way for you to move directly into Soul Dance.  This video is heart and soul inspired and powerful beyond words exposing the magnificence of your soul connection to all that exists on your Planet.   We suggest that you savour what speaks directly to your heart connecting you instantly to Soul and thus to Source Energy.  

Think of your earlier Soul Dance experiences, how you moved, how you became light essences, merging and moving to your own heart song.  As you watch and listen, consciously move into the stillness in your heart, listen for the space between the heart beats and slip through to a deeper level, sitting with the deep stillness you find there.  Notice, what you feel, see and hear consciously from Soul as you become one with the images and hear the messages.  Feel your Source connection, feel your own dance triggering Earth healing.  

In Our last message, you learned logic and reasons to heal your planet.  We purposelely did not take you into Soul Dance.  This video appeared and is the perfect next step. 

What does it take to heal yourself and your Planet?    Real people, in every country in the world are starting grass roots groups to save, maintain, revitalize valuable pieces of your world.  To effectively Soul Dance to heal yourself and your world, you must search out your passion, live what you love, join and help to heal your real world in real time, in your dimension.   Healing begins in reality. 

Why Soul Dance?  Soul Dance connects your soul with all the other souls in a dimension beyond time, to trigger mass healing at the soul and cellular level of your planet. 

We encourage you to search out your passion.  To live passionately is another way of openingly inviting every other soul in existence to join you in your dance.  The first time, you may dance by yourself, the second time, you may discover other souls joining your magical interweaving of energies, spiraling and fanning out to include more and more souls in your healing dance. 

The secret is not only the magnificence of pure love and the pure essence of human soul but in the twinning and intermingling of all other souls consciously joining with YOU and your soul in the same moment, in the same time and in the same dimension.   

As you look around your planet, you will find enlightenment.  We hope you will take the moment to open your heart, sit with silence and joy consciously feeling the dance, in real time, in  your dimension.  This is healing.   

Today's gift and dance is a video produced by the TED organization.  The person who's life's work you will be seeing is Louie Schwartzberg.  We recognize his work as one of many embodiments of Soul Dance.