Sunday, 20 November 2011

Healing Mankind A Remembrance Part 3 of 4 cont'd

Dearest Soul Dancers,

This is the moment in delivery of Our messages when We move from guide to teacher,  but only with your consent will we continue your conversations with Us. 

Today, We begin to instruct you in the mastery of healing yourselves and your planet. 

What do you need to know?

How does life purpose connect with becoming a healer?   You search for life purpose only to find that healing mankind is one of your many purposes.  To learn how to become a healer is simple, however to actually BE the healer ... now that takes mastery! 

Our purpose in reaching out to you is to teach you how to become master healers.  Sadly, We cannot heal mankind, your planet or The Universe, but you can and we are committed to showing you how. 

Your purpose, if you are truly searching for purpose is to master healing yourselves first.  Healing mankind is a rebound ripple of healing of self. Healing the energy of the planet follows holistically and finally healing The Universal Energy flow, while invisible to you is visible to Us.

Why are We reaching out to you?  Dear Ones, it is time.  You are enlightened enough in this moment, in this time, in this place, to understand that your combined energetic signature (mankind) affects both your planet and the entire Universe.  Take a moment, go back to visualize the anatomy of the Universe as the cube.  Remember to see yourself as anchoring one side, mankind anchoring the second side, Earth anchoring the third side and finally The Universe as the fourth anchor. 

What do you notice?  You personally support 50% of what keeps the Universe, your Universe and Ours, together.  This is why we are reaching out to you now.  There is an imbalance in the signature energy of The Universe that the inhabitants of Earth have contributed too.  This imbalance can be healed.

How does the energetic signature of mankind affect Earth?  When a tipping point of human individuals on earth are feeling lost, fearful and searching; mankind combines to broadcast massive chaotic energy.  The out-rippling of this combined energy affects the magnetic signature of this planet.  You are just learning that All planets in the Universe are connected within a net of magnetic resonance therefore, earth's magnetic imbalances are affecting the energetic harmony of the Universe.  

From every enlightened source you have been hearing that "soul is having a human experience".   We are here to teach about the power of a duality, you may not have known about until now: 

"YOU as a human being is consciously sharing a Soul experience WITH Soul, in the same moment, time and place that Soul is having a human experience through you". 

What is a Soul experience?    Ahhh, now that is the question.  If you have every felt your heart expand the moment you looked at your newborn child, if you have danced with the wind, fallen into the magnificence of nature, soared with a melody into a dimension of rapture ... you have had a soul experience.  Technically, touching soul transports you to a place of wonder and gratitude, almost unbelieving of the experience you just shared.   
 Dear Ones,the human mind is not equipped to understand this information. 

You may read these messages several times and still they slip away.  Do not be disturbed.  To soul dance beyond the veil is to experience briefly and let go of the experience of directly touching Universal Source.  Each touch, strengths your ability to hold the moment for a little longer each time, until the day when you connect in a two way conversation with Soul and feel the awe and wonder of the Universe.     

Will You be punished for not listening to this message?    No, We do not punish.  We teach.  We teach "remembrance" of your Soul's first languange.  We teach realignment techniques through healing remembrance. 

So, Dear Ones, today we move from guides on a virtual journey to teachers of healing.  We hope you will choose to become healers.  What is your intention? 

Tomorrow,  We will continue with your 5th Soul Dance experience.
you experience moving into SOUL to touch Source energy as the pillar of Mankind supporting the second side of the cube in the anatomy of the Universe.  You will dance, touch Source and be renewed. 

So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember together what it is to fly free together bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others. 

Enjoy InJOY
           Soul Dancer, translator to The Soul Guardians