First Message Healing Mankind
Dearest Soul Dancers
What does this phrase mean to you? ...a human having a SOUL experience...”? On 11:11:11 our translator and human partner did just that ... SoulDancer consciously chose to partner with SOUL to experience Oneness with the Universe. Her story is in the message for Nov 11, 2011.
Today, you may choose to have your own “human having a SOUL experience if you step into the energetic signature of Mankind which is the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universal cube (as it applies to your planet).
We present this learning in two segments, separated by several hours in your time dimension. Each message is rich and awareness dense which is why We invite you to visit both messages.
Healing Mankind, this first message is debrief, clarity and remembrance of being in SOUL, at one with the Universe.
The second message returns YOU to the practice of Soul Dance as you join with SOUL to experience the sensations of all Mankind supporting the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universe. You will end with the sensation of owning half the Universe.
Dear Ones, you are never alone. At times, you may, as a human being a human experience, feel lost. Over your past 4 experiences with Soul Dance, you have touched and become one with SOUL and Source because you were remembering what being SOUL feels like. You were one with SOUL. You are learning how to make this connection a conscious act. This We teach and open to you a little more each message.
Here is your leap in faith. On 11:11:11 Remembrance Day you may have taken a moment to remember all those souls released and human lives lost in times of war and conflict, personal and global. In this moment, in this time, in this place, We ask to you question the meaning of a soul released?
Are you able to without judgement, in your heart know SOUL as powerful and fragile all at the same time? Will you accept without proof that man’s soul can be healed even when no longer connected to the beating heart?
We ask you to hold these very powerful thoughts without fear or pain, simply as questions opening into curiosity as We continue this journey of awareness, always holding you in a safe space. Today’s journey is into the energetic harmonic of Mankind.
Now is the moment to form your intention for this curiosity... What do you need to know, feel or heal by moving a little deeper into heart awareness about your ability to be with Mankind in SOUL?
The message in this knowing. Know, accept, appreciate ... Every single touch in Soul brings you personally back into Remembrance and healing.
Dearest Soul Dancers
What does this phrase mean to you? ...a human having a SOUL experience...”? On 11:11:11 our translator and human partner did just that ... SoulDancer consciously chose to partner with SOUL to experience Oneness with the Universe. Her story is in the message for Nov 11, 2011.
Today, you may choose to have your own “human having a SOUL experience if you step into the energetic signature of Mankind which is the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universal cube (as it applies to your planet).
We present this learning in two segments, separated by several hours in your time dimension. Each message is rich and awareness dense which is why We invite you to visit both messages.
Healing Mankind, this first message is debrief, clarity and remembrance of being in SOUL, at one with the Universe.
The second message returns YOU to the practice of Soul Dance as you join with SOUL to experience the sensations of all Mankind supporting the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universe. You will end with the sensation of owning half the Universe.
Dear Ones, you are never alone. At times, you may, as a human being a human experience, feel lost. Over your past 4 experiences with Soul Dance, you have touched and become one with SOUL and Source because you were remembering what being SOUL feels like. You were one with SOUL. You are learning how to make this connection a conscious act. This We teach and open to you a little more each message.
Here is your leap in faith. On 11:11:11 Remembrance Day you may have taken a moment to remember all those souls released and human lives lost in times of war and conflict, personal and global. In this moment, in this time, in this place, We ask to you question the meaning of a soul released?
Are you able to without judgement, in your heart know SOUL as powerful and fragile all at the same time? Will you accept without proof that man’s soul can be healed even when no longer connected to the beating heart?
We ask you to hold these very powerful thoughts without fear or pain, simply as questions opening into curiosity as We continue this journey of awareness, always holding you in a safe space. Today’s journey is into the energetic harmonic of Mankind.
Now is the moment to form your intention for this curiosity... What do you need to know, feel or heal by moving a little deeper into heart awareness about your ability to be with Mankind in SOUL?
The Debrief of SoulDancer’s choice to have a SOUL experience.If you are ready and so choose, We will step together into this awareness portal.
On 11:11:11 at a memorial site for fallen soldiers, SoulDancer, our human partner and translator, accepted Our invitation to partner with SOUL to once again become a healer.
The gift of Soul Dance was the only tool she used to assist in the continuing healing of both the energetic output of mankind and your planet. In that moment, in that time, in that place her heart song called to billions of Souls lost in human experience at the moment of their human death by War and violence. Theirs was a reawakening. Their remembrance, their dance of pure love re-connected to Source. Her heart song was the beacon to all souls lost and wandering to remember the language and body of SOUL as they returned to SOURCE, healed of their human pain.
This was a profound moment for a human having a human experience ... consciously shared with SOUL.
You, the individual has power beyond measure to heal Mankind. Even more powerfully, Mankind across your planet has been consciously coming together in a movement of Oneness stubbornly and lovingly attempting to unite human energy in positive vibration. Know We hold you safe in Oneness.However, SoulDancer was never alone even though she was standing alone in that moment, in that time and in that place. We were with her, holding her in a safe space just as We are with you as you begin your remembrance of Soul Dance.
The message in this knowing. Know, accept, appreciate ... Every single touch in Soul brings you personally back into Remembrance and healing.
four things do you take from this knowing?
First ... human consciousness partnering with specific actions either alone or in groups raises the energetic signature of both mankind and the planet at the same time.
Second... when human life ends traumatically, the SOUL may become stuck in human experience forgetting how to touch Source to heal and free itself to return to Source.
Third ... YOU have healing ability through conscious partnering with SOUL to heal yourself, your planet and the Universe. Fourth ...You are already creating healing each time you remember how to touch Source through Soul. **
Know that your healing energy organically combines
with that of all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet. The healing energy of your
planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize
and stabilize the Universal Energy Flow.
So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul
Dance may appear as a child-like return to innocence or at other times like
magic or fantasy, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.
As before, We return you to the moment when you created your intention
for today’s Soul Dance beyond the veil. What was your intention today? How was your intention fulfilled?
In our next message, you will
learn the second part of the anatomy of healing mankind, once again using Soul
Dance to begin the healing process.
So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast
and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to
fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all
SoulDancer, Translator for The Soul Guardians