Dearest Soul
Previously, The Guardian message guided you into Soul Dance for a third time as you became one of four anchoring pillars in the anatomical structure of the Universe. Can you still “see” the simple cube floating in the Universal dimension?
In today’s message you will come to understand how touching Source, through Soul Dance begins your personal healing. There is no financial gain, no physical gain coming out of this healing. Your healing is unquantifiable. It cannot be measured and it may not be outwardly visible. You may not walk again, be instantly healed of a life threatening illness, get your vision back or become wealthy BUT in this moment of connection you will find peace of mind, a release of fear and an embodiment of immense joy in moments that linger and continue their healing work long after you touch Source. Tomorrow you will experience a deeper understanding of how your healing manifests changes in all other dimensions.
Know that your healing energy organically combines with all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet. The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabilize the Universal Energy Flow. So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as a child-like return to innocence, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.
We, The Guardians are teaching you steps to Remembrance and teaching you the anatomy of healing because you need this knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an empowered life. As you evolve to partner with your SOUL you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions. Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for YOUR world.
So, now is the moment to return to your intention to Soul Dance beyond the Veil. What was your intention today? How was your intention fulfilled?
So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.
Enjoy InJOY
The SoulDancer
Previously, The Guardian message guided you into Soul Dance for a third time as you became one of four anchoring pillars in the anatomical structure of the Universe. Can you still “see” the simple cube floating in the Universal dimension?
In today’s message you will come to understand how touching Source, through Soul Dance begins your personal healing. There is no financial gain, no physical gain coming out of this healing. Your healing is unquantifiable. It cannot be measured and it may not be outwardly visible. You may not walk again, be instantly healed of a life threatening illness, get your vision back or become wealthy BUT in this moment of connection you will find peace of mind, a release of fear and an embodiment of immense joy in moments that linger and continue their healing work long after you touch Source. Tomorrow you will experience a deeper understanding of how your healing manifests changes in all other dimensions.
Soul Dancers, your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered
for your highest and greatest good. So
before We begin, please silently form
your intention for what you need to learn, heal or share through remembrance of
SOUL. Gently hold that intention, as you
open awareness to The Guardian messages on healing.
A small part of Our work as Soul Guardians is to
teach through sharing of Universal knowledge.
Know that in this offering guidance for the healing of Man, that within you
there is an energetic duality.
duality has served in the past as a safeguard against abuse of knowledge of Source for personal gain but in your time, this duality has become a hindrance to the future wellbeing of
mankind. Our work is to help you integrate beyond
the Veil of this duality. Know that "YOU
the individual" and "YOU, all of mankind", do not stand alone! We are here with
you, holding you in a safe space.
If you choose to explore this gift of healing, let
us begin.
For the next few moments in this
time, in this place, We ask that you suspend all notions of “who” you have
believed yourself to be. Soul Dance
takes you into “who” your SOUL has always been.
This message delivers yet another experience of Soul Dance.
You are entering your fourth
experience with Soul Dance.
Simply relax mind and body, breathe and then breathe a little deeper.
Take this moment to still your mind, your heart and your body. Prepare to move into the stillness of your heart, into the spaces between the heart beats, to connect with your melody and your light filled Soul body.
When you
are ready, We ask you to return from within your human memory to the “cube” that
is the anatomy of The Universe as you experienced it, yesterday.
When you have that visual in your mind, slowly bring into your body, the physical memory of the sensation of your SOUL body, all light, colour, melody and ethereal movement, powerfully anchoring mankind as one of four pillars supporting the cube’s structure. Take your time to be here with this sensory visual. You are slipping effortlessly into Soul Dancing from within the earthly dimension.
When you are in the sensation of being the human and SOUL embedded and anchored, slowly broaden your SOUL awareness to share with the human YOU how it feels to be anchoring your corner of the structure of the Universe.
Notice and become aware of how you are both in “SOUL mind and body” and “HUMAN mind and body” at the same time. Feel from within your heart how the duality between you and Soul is beginning to lift. This is the Veil that separates dimensions. Breathe into and rest in this awakened awareness and clearing of your soul vision until you are ready to return to this moment, this time and this place in your own human dimension, returning to the human reality.
breathe back into the stillness, the space between the heart beats and back
into your human body, feeling sensation in all parts of your body and
mind. As you reawaken into here and now, bring with you Remembrance of Soul touching Source, healing that which in you needs to be healed. Rest and remember and offer appreciation for the knowing.
Dear Ones always remain aware
that SOUL time is vast; you need rest here in the SOUL dimension with Source for only a few moments to learn what you
have come to learn and heal what needs to be healed. Know you may return any time you choose to
learn and to heal ... for learning and healing is ongoing.
What did you notice about your Soul as a Pillar anchoring YOU? Were all four pillars; YOU, mankind, the
planet and The Universe still the same size, radiating the same amount of power
and placed equal distances from each other?
And what does this new awareness about your place in the Universal anatomy and structure tell you about YOU?
What did you learn? Regardless of your power, this equality of power is
harmony between the elements of the anatomical structure of the entire
YES....We promised a healing for YOU
before you attempt to hold healing energy of another being, the planet or The
Universe. We have provided the tool and now release you to do your work, now aware that this work is an
important part of your purpose in this moment, in this time, in this place. Before the end of this message you will
understand what healing looks like.
not disturbed if healing doesn’t measure, or quantify with your belief or
expectation. Universal healing is
already yours. You have begun the
Dearest SoulDancers, Soul Dance is not
magic, it is an energetic connection to SOURCE Energy that you touch through
your own Soul. You have experienced the
power of YOUR Soul connected to Source in every moment of your existence. What has this knowledge proven to you?
In this moment, in this time, in this place YOU
and mankind need to remember what your SOUL remembers. As you Soul Dance, using both the lightest
touch as just offered and the deeper meditation of our last message, you lift the Veil between your human self, your SOUL and Source. Each touch brings you healing. Whether you are simply reading the messages,
doing the meditations or sharing them with another, you are healing.
Awareness is a healing. Every message will speak to some part of your
need. While you may not consciously feel
a healing, know that your mind, you cells, your heart are in the healing
Ah Dear Ones we know you need
proof. The human mind needs parameters,
measures and statistics to prove its reality.
Your measures are within you. If
at any moment you felt a rush of emotion, a flutter in your heart, an
expansion, awesomeness, a moment of release, joy, light entering your being,
healing has begun. What you do with this
tiny flicker of light is yours to sculpt!
All we can do is introduce you to your SOUL, connect you to your own magnificence
and open your way to touch Source.
A Warning:As SoulDancers, in your awareness of the power of the Dance, you become healers, find your life purpose and give away your fear, stress and pain. This is a slow healing process one individual at a time. In this time, in your world, in Our Universe, healing is necessary and imminent. Most of you will dance for your own pleasure at first. The joy and passion you remember will help YOU to heal yourself first.
Dear Soul Dancers for that is what you truly are, We must always warn, advise and recommend that for your human mental health you do not attempt to live your life in SOUL for that is not your human purpose, or your destiny. Ecstasy is not your purpose.We are charged with opening this tool, so that YOU may heal yourself gently and ripple that healing outward into mankind, the planet and eventually The Universe.SoulDancer, our translator and human partner in delivering our messages has learned that Source is a powerful energy, too powerful to spend long periods of time immersed in. Even she can only translate for short periods of time.
Know that your healing energy organically combines with all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet. The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabilize the Universal Energy Flow. So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as a child-like return to innocence, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.
We, The Guardians are teaching you steps to Remembrance and teaching you the anatomy of healing because you need this knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an empowered life. As you evolve to partner with your SOUL you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions. Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for YOUR world.
So, now is the moment to return to your intention to Soul Dance beyond the Veil. What was your intention today? How was your intention fulfilled?
In our next message, you will learn the anatomy of healing mankind, once again using Soul Dance begin the healing process.
So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.
Enjoy InJOY
The SoulDancer