Sunday, 20 November 2011

Healing Mankind A Remembrance Part 3 of 4 cont'd

Dearest Soul Dancers,

This is the moment in delivery of Our messages when We move from guide to teacher,  but only with your consent will we continue your conversations with Us. 

Today, We begin to instruct you in the mastery of healing yourselves and your planet. 

What do you need to know?

How does life purpose connect with becoming a healer?   You search for life purpose only to find that healing mankind is one of your many purposes.  To learn how to become a healer is simple, however to actually BE the healer ... now that takes mastery! 

Our purpose in reaching out to you is to teach you how to become master healers.  Sadly, We cannot heal mankind, your planet or The Universe, but you can and we are committed to showing you how. 

Your purpose, if you are truly searching for purpose is to master healing yourselves first.  Healing mankind is a rebound ripple of healing of self. Healing the energy of the planet follows holistically and finally healing The Universal Energy flow, while invisible to you is visible to Us.

Why are We reaching out to you?  Dear Ones, it is time.  You are enlightened enough in this moment, in this time, in this place, to understand that your combined energetic signature (mankind) affects both your planet and the entire Universe.  Take a moment, go back to visualize the anatomy of the Universe as the cube.  Remember to see yourself as anchoring one side, mankind anchoring the second side, Earth anchoring the third side and finally The Universe as the fourth anchor. 

What do you notice?  You personally support 50% of what keeps the Universe, your Universe and Ours, together.  This is why we are reaching out to you now.  There is an imbalance in the signature energy of The Universe that the inhabitants of Earth have contributed too.  This imbalance can be healed.

How does the energetic signature of mankind affect Earth?  When a tipping point of human individuals on earth are feeling lost, fearful and searching; mankind combines to broadcast massive chaotic energy.  The out-rippling of this combined energy affects the magnetic signature of this planet.  You are just learning that All planets in the Universe are connected within a net of magnetic resonance therefore, earth's magnetic imbalances are affecting the energetic harmony of the Universe.  

From every enlightened source you have been hearing that "soul is having a human experience".   We are here to teach about the power of a duality, you may not have known about until now: 

"YOU as a human being is consciously sharing a Soul experience WITH Soul, in the same moment, time and place that Soul is having a human experience through you". 

What is a Soul experience?    Ahhh, now that is the question.  If you have every felt your heart expand the moment you looked at your newborn child, if you have danced with the wind, fallen into the magnificence of nature, soared with a melody into a dimension of rapture ... you have had a soul experience.  Technically, touching soul transports you to a place of wonder and gratitude, almost unbelieving of the experience you just shared.   
 Dear Ones,the human mind is not equipped to understand this information. 

You may read these messages several times and still they slip away.  Do not be disturbed.  To soul dance beyond the veil is to experience briefly and let go of the experience of directly touching Universal Source.  Each touch, strengths your ability to hold the moment for a little longer each time, until the day when you connect in a two way conversation with Soul and feel the awe and wonder of the Universe.     

Will You be punished for not listening to this message?    No, We do not punish.  We teach.  We teach "remembrance" of your Soul's first languange.  We teach realignment techniques through healing remembrance. 

So, Dear Ones, today we move from guides on a virtual journey to teachers of healing.  We hope you will choose to become healers.  What is your intention? 

Tomorrow,  We will continue with your 5th Soul Dance experience.
you experience moving into SOUL to touch Source energy as the pillar of Mankind supporting the second side of the cube in the anatomy of the Universe.  You will dance, touch Source and be renewed. 

So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember together what it is to fly free together bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others. 

Enjoy InJOY
           Soul Dancer, translator to The Soul Guardians

Sunday, 13 November 2011

Healing Mankind A Remembrance Part 3 of 4

First Message  Healing Mankind 

Dearest Soul Dancers 
What does this phrase mean to you?  ...a human having a SOUL experience...”?  On 11:11:11 our translator and human partner did just that ... SoulDancer consciously chose to partner with SOUL to experience Oneness with the Universe.  Her story is in the message for Nov 11, 2011.

Today, you may choose to have your own “human having a SOUL experience if you step into the energetic signature of Mankind which is the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universal cube (as it applies to your planet).    

We present this learning in two segments, separated by several hours in your time dimension.   Each message is rich and awareness dense which is why We invite you to visit both messages.

Healing Mankind, this first message is debrief, clarity and remembrance of being in SOUL, at one with the Universe. 

The second message returns YOU to the practice of Soul Dance as you join with SOUL to experience the sensations of all Mankind supporting the second pillar in the anatomical structure of the Universe.  You will end with the sensation of owning half the Universe.    

Dear Ones, you are never alone.  At times, you may, as a human being a human experience, feel lost. Over your past 4 experiences with Soul Dance, you have touched and become one with SOUL and Source because you were remembering what being SOUL feels like.  You were one with SOUL.  You are learning how to make this connection a conscious act.  This We teach and open to you a little more each message.    

Here is your leap in faith.  On 11:11:11 Remembrance Day you may have taken a moment to remember all those souls released and human lives lost in times of war and conflict, personal and global.   In this moment, in this time, in this place, We ask to you question the meaning of a soul released?   

Are you able to without judgement, in your heart know SOUL as powerful and fragile all at the same time?   Will you accept without proof that man’s soul can be healed even when no longer connected to the beating heart?  

We ask you to hold these very powerful thoughts without fear or pain, simply as questions opening into curiosity as We continue this journey of awareness, always holding you in a safe space.  Today’s journey is into the energetic harmonic of Mankind.    

Now is the moment to form your intention for this curiosity... What do you need to know, feel or heal by moving a little deeper into heart awareness about your ability to be with Mankind in SOUL? 
If you are ready and so choose, We will step together into this awareness portal.   
The Debrief of SoulDancer’s choice to have a SOUL experience.
On 11:11:11 at a memorial site for fallen soldiers, SoulDancer, our human partner and translator, accepted Our invitation to partner with SOUL to once again become a healer.   
The gift of Soul Dance was the only tool she used to assist in the continuing healing of both the energetic output of mankind and your planet.  In that moment, in that time, in that place her heart song called to billions of Souls lost in human experience at the moment of their human death by War and violence.  Theirs was a reawakening.  Their remembrance, their dance of pure love re-connected to Source.  Her heart song was the beacon to all souls lost and wandering to remember the language and body of SOUL as they returned to SOURCE, healed of their human pain.    
This was a profound moment for a human having a human experience ... consciously shared with SOUL.    
However, SoulDancer was never alone even though she was standing alone in that moment, in that time and in that place.  We were with her, holding her in a safe space just as We are with you as you begin your remembrance of Soul Dance.  
You, the individual has power beyond measure to heal Mankind.  Even more powerfully,  Mankind across your planet has been consciously coming together in a movement of Oneness stubbornly and lovingly attempting to unite human energy in positive vibration.  Know We hold you safe in Oneness.      

The message in this knowing.     Know, accept, appreciate ... Every single touch in Soul brings you personally back into Remembrance and healing.      
What four things do you take from this knowing?   
First ... human consciousness partnering with specific actions either alone or in groups raises the energetic signature of both mankind and the planet at the same time. 
Second...  when human life ends traumatically, the SOUL may become stuck in human experience forgetting how to touch Source to heal and free itself to return to Source.   
Third ... YOU have healing ability through conscious partnering with SOUL to heal yourself, your planet and the Universe.                 Fourth ...You are already creating healing each time you remember how to touch Source through Soul.  **
Know that your healing energy organically combines with that of all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet. The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabilize the Universal Energy Flow.
So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as a child-like return to innocence or at other times like magic or fantasy, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.
As before, We return you to the moment when you created your intention for today’s Soul Dance beyond the veil.   What was your intention today? How was your intention fulfilled?   
In our next message, you will learn the second part of the anatomy of healing mankind, once again using Soul Dance to begin the healing process. 
So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.   
Enjoy InJOY 
           SoulDancer, Translator for The Soul Guardians

Friday, 11 November 2011

SoulDancer Dances with Lost Souls

Hello Soul Dancers, 

Today's message is a departure from soul healing messages so graciously shared by The Soul Guardians. 

Today, I've been asked to share my own reality as the human translator gifted with this joyful life purpose to be part of earth healing.  

Yesterday, 11:10:11 I was honoured to share Soul Dance with a group of 11 women whose curiosity and passion to heal themselves and their worlds led them to invite me to personally take them through the Soul Dance experience.  As each woman connected with heart melody, she slipped into her own soul dance.   One guest commented later that she had never been in a room with so many light beings.  They became humans having a soul experience.  Soul healing was triggered.  

As I awoke this morning, my own energy had shifted yet again.  This morning was the dawning of something I hadn't felt before. Everything was different.   I was guided to wash, dress and walk down to the water at dawn. With the sunlight streaming down, dancing and glinting off the calm water, of course I was led to where I was supposed to be. Nothing new in that.

In Coronation Park, there is a Memorial to Fallen Soldiers. It's a cleverly disguised labyrinth, beautiful, moving and powerful.  Being Remembrance Day, I figured a prayer of appreciation couldn't hurt, so I walked the labyrinth into the centre. As I walked the concentric circles, The Guardians shared that there are billions of souls lost in grief, despair and pain from generations of victims of war; men,women, children all in pain from what was inflicted upon them, what they inflicted upon others, guilt, fear, chaos, unfulfilled dreams.  These billions of Souls had not "passed into the light".  In our SoulDancer terms we would say they have not "returned to Source". They are still wondering and wandering confused and in pain.

The Guardians shared how these souls affect the vibration of this dimension because they are still connected with us, resonating intense pain and fear.  Imagine how their combined vibration affects not only living humanity, but this planet and every other dimension as they broadcast their confusion? 

This wasn't a thought I had ever had.  Until today, we living souls have never even considered the effect of so many lost souls. The message was that they needed healing in this dimension before they could return to Source. "These souls are existing in SOUL but not connected with or REMEMBERING their soul bodies, melody, harmonic or connection to their native language of love vibration." 
Because they left this plain so quickly, in trauma without transition, they don't know how to release their human-ness, their pain and return to pure love without restriction.  

They are SOULS stuck in human experience and needed to be returned to SOUL having a SOUL experience. 

As I stood in the centre of this memorial facing the Sun at sunrise, I was invited to invite them ALL to dance. Amazing, I’m shaking just thinking about it.

My eyes were closed and instead of darkness I saw deep red with a pinpoint of light on the horizon, then slowly there were all these tiny dark particles streaming in. They swarmed and swooped but always heading into that pinpoint. More and more flew into view until my entire soul vision was viewing this incredible dance to silent music. They weren't colour filaments but more like the murmuration video I saw and shared with friends last week. Slowly as my vision widened, I realized that while more and more, millions, billions I don't know how many, joined in and filtered through the portal on the horizon, the colour of the dimension we were in, had flowed from red into orange, then to soft pastels of light sunlight, blues and the softest greens. The Dance continued as more and more joined. The portal expanded filling my whole vision with magnificence of pastel light waves, broad swaths of colour moving, merging and dancing. Finally the message came that the healing of those lost souls was complete and they had returned to SOURCE, whole, healed and loving.

I was thanked for trusting that my human-ness would be safe in inviting generations of lost souls to return home.  I felt gratitude flowing into me from so many other dimensions. Of course I offered my own gratitude for being blessed with this gift to give.

I realize that being the translator for this amazing group of teachers, has changed my life.  I don't see human existence as I did.  I'm willing to risk moving into the unknown because I feel connected to something larger than me. 

I hope that this sharing has given you a glimpse into a human having a human experience consciously shared with SOUL.  I am not alone, you are not alone, you have as much ability to share in this experience as I. 

Tomorrow, I am being directed to translate Part 3 of Healing The Planet  -  A Remembrance.

Enjoy InJOY

        The SoulDancer

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Healing Yourself - Remembrance Part 2 of 4

Dearest Soul Dancers,

Previously, The Guardian message guided  you into Soul Dance for a third time as you became one of four anchoring pillars in the anatomical structure of the Universe.  Can you still  “see” the simple cube floating in the Universal dimension?

In today’s message you will come to understand how touching Source, through Soul Dance begins your personal healing.  There is no financial gain, no physical gain coming out of this healing.  Your healing is unquantifiable.  It cannot be measured and it may not be outwardly visible.  You may not walk again, be instantly healed of a life threatening illness, get your vision back or become wealthy BUT in this moment of connection you will find peace of mind, a release of fear and an embodiment of immense joy in moments that linger and continue their healing work long after you touch Source.  Tomorrow you will experience a deeper understanding of how your healing manifests changes in all other dimensions.  

Dearest Soul Dancers, your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered for your highest and greatest good.  So before We begin, please silently form your intention for what you need to learn, heal or share through remembrance of SOUL.  Gently hold that intention, as you open awareness to The Guardian messages on healing.  
A small part of Our work as Soul Guardians is to teach through sharing of Universal knowledge.  Know that in this offering guidance for the healing of Man, that within you there is an energetic duality. 
This duality has served in the past as a safeguard against abuse of knowledge of Source for personal gain but in your time, this duality has become a hindrance to the future wellbeing of mankind.  Our work is to help you integrate beyond the Veil of this duality.  Know that "YOU the individual" and "YOU, all of mankind", do not stand alone! We are here with you, holding you in a safe space.  
If you choose to explore this gift of healing, let us begin.
For the next few moments in this time, in this place, We ask that you suspend all notions of “who” you have believed yourself to be.  Soul Dance takes you into “who” your SOUL has always been.  This message delivers yet another experience of Soul Dance. 
You are entering your fourth experience with Soul Dance. 

Simply relax mind and body, breathe and then breathe a little deeper. 
Take this moment to still your mind, your heart and your body.  Prepare to move into the stillness of your heart, into the spaces between the heart beats, to connect with your melody and your light filled Soul body. 

When you are ready, We ask you to return from within your human memory to the “cube” that is the anatomy of The Universe as you experienced it, yesterday. 

When you have that visual in your mind, slowly bring into your body, the physical memory of the sensation of your SOUL body, all light, colour, melody and ethereal movement, powerfully anchoring mankind as one of four pillars supporting the cube’s structure.   Take your time to be here with this sensory visual.  You are slipping effortlessly into Soul Dancing from within the earthly dimension. 

When you are in the sensation of being the human and SOUL embedded and anchored, slowly broaden your SOUL awareness to share with the human YOU how it feels to be anchoring your corner of the structure of the Universe.   
Notice and become aware of how you are both in “SOUL mind and body” and “HUMAN mind and body” at the same time.  Feel from within your heart how the duality between you and Soul is beginning to lift. This is the Veil that separates dimensions.  Breathe into and rest in this awakened awareness and clearing of your soul vision until you are ready to return to this moment, this time and this place in your own human dimension, returning to the human reality. 
Slowly, breathe back into the stillness, the space between the heart beats and back into your human body, feeling sensation in all parts of your body and mind.  As you reawaken into here and now, bring with you Remembrance of Soul touching Source, healing that which in you needs to be healed.  Rest and remember and offer appreciation for the knowing.   
Dear Ones always remain aware that SOUL time is vast; you need rest here in the SOUL dimension with Source for only a few moments to learn what you have come to learn and heal what needs to be healed.   Know you may return any time you choose to learn and to heal ... for learning and healing is ongoing.  
What did you notice about your Soul as a Pillar anchoring YOU?  Were all four pillars; YOU, mankind, the planet and The Universe still the same size, radiating the same amount of power and placed equal distances from each other?  And what does this new awareness about your place in the Universal anatomy and structure tell you about YOU?
What did you learn?  Regardless of your power, this equality of power is harmony between the elements of the anatomical structure of the entire Universe. 
YES....We promised a healing for YOU before you attempt to hold healing energy of another being, the planet or The Universe.  We have provided the tool and now release you to do your work, now aware that this work is an important part of your purpose in this moment, in this time, in this place.   Before the end of this message you will understand what healing looks like.  
Be not disturbed if healing doesn’t measure, or quantify with your belief or expectation.  Universal healing is already yours.  You have begun the process.    
Dearest SoulDancers, Soul Dance is not magic, it is an energetic connection to SOURCE Energy that you touch through your own Soul.  You have experienced the power of YOUR Soul connected to Source in every moment of your existence.  What has this knowledge proven to you? 
In this moment, in this time, in this place YOU and mankind need to remember what your SOUL remembers.  As you Soul Dance, using both the lightest touch as just offered and the deeper meditation of our last message, you lift the Veil between your human self, your SOUL and Source.  Each touch brings you healing.  Whether you are simply reading the messages, doing the meditations or sharing them with another, you are healing. 
Awareness is a healing.  Every message will speak to some part of your need.  While you may not consciously feel a healing, know that your mind, you cells, your heart are in the healing process.  
Ah Dear Ones we know you need proof.  The human mind needs parameters, measures and statistics to prove its reality. 
Your measures are within you.  If at any moment you felt a rush of emotion, a flutter in your heart, an expansion, awesomeness, a moment of release, joy, light entering your being, healing has begun.  What you do with this tiny flicker of light is yours to sculpt!  All we can do is introduce you to your SOUL, connect you to your own magnificence and open your way to touch Source.   

A Warning:
Dear Soul Dancers for that is what you truly are, We must always warn, advise and recommend that for your human mental health you do not attempt to live your life in SOUL for that is not your human purpose, or your destiny.   Ecstasy is not your purpose.  
We are charged with opening this tool, so that YOU may heal yourself gently and ripple that healing outward into mankind, the planet and eventually The Universe.   
SoulDancer, our translator and human partner in delivering our messages has learned that Source is a powerful energy, too powerful to spend long periods of time immersed in.  Even she can only translate for short periods of time.
As SoulDancers, in your awareness of the power of the Dance, you become healers, find your life purpose and give away your fear, stress and pain. This is a slow healing process one individual at a time.  In this time, in your world, in Our Universe, healing is necessary and imminent. Most of you will dance for your own pleasure at first.  The joy and passion you remember will help YOU to heal yourself first. 

Know that your healing energy organically combines with all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet.  The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabilize the Universal Energy Flow.   So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as a child-like return to innocence, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.    

We, The Guardians are teaching you steps to Remembrance and teaching you the anatomy of healing because you need this knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an empowered life.  As you evolve to partner with your SOUL you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions.  Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for YOUR world. 

So, now is the moment to return to your intention to Soul Dance beyond the Veil.   What was your intention today?  How was your intention fulfilled?  

In our next message, you will learn the anatomy of healing mankind, once again using Soul Dance begin the healing process.

So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you  and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

           The SoulDancer

Monday, 7 November 2011

Healing – A Remembrance Part 1 of 4

Dearest Soul Dancers,
In our previous Guardian message you were guided into Soul Dance for a second time and reminded not only your of Soul Melody but also re-introduced to your Soul Body, the transluscent colour energy you carry within.  One tiny step at a time, you continue your preparation for Soul Dance beyond the Veil.  Today you will Dance a slightly different Dance as you learn the anatomy of energy healing for yourself, mankind, the planet and The Universe.  Tomorrow you will experience a deeper understanding of how you heal yourself. 

In this moment, at this time, in this place The Guardians encourage you to ask yourself, "What is my intention for Remembrance of Soul?"  

Dear Ones, be reminded that Soul Dance remembrances have purpose beyond joy and passion remembered.  Your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered for your highest and greatest good.  So before you move on, quietly form your intention for remembrance of SOUL and hold that intention, as you open awareness to the Guardian messages on healing.   

Today We begin to speak of healing.  We observe how you search and struggle and question healing.  Your human bodies are afflicted, your human minds try to contain it all and your human spirit often feels broken, battered and bruised.  You pray for healing.  

The Universe is a miracle.   Your SOUL connects you to your own miracle.  YOU are the miracle... where you are right now this moment, in this time, in this place, this is your miracle.  Many may feel anger, bitterness, hurt, abandonment and turn away from feeling that where you are NOW is your miracle.  We encourage you to look deeper, the miracle is laying at your feet waiting for you lift the veil from your sight, to reach for and grasp your lifeline.   

Opening to SOUL to discover what your miracle really is.  
Dear Ones, We cannot, will not promise to make miracles for you because it is not within our capability to do so.  We can only guide you to SOUL and to remembering replenishment of rejoining Universal Soul Source.   What you find within your SOUL connection will advise you, hold you safe no matter your human condition and bring you back to SOURCE energy at every moment.  Your conscious presence is clear sight to your miracles.  Your conscious presence is within your grasp and always has been. 

You pray for healing.   Dear Ones, which healing do you pray for?  Do you wish to heal yourself, mankind, the planet, The Universe? 

Part of Our work as Soul Guardians is to teach through sharing knowledge.  We feel it is important before We continue further guidance into awareness that you open to a visual of the anatomy of Universal healing.  Know that YOU do not stand alone and We are here with you, holding you in a safe space. You, the individual is connected as one of four pillars anchored both in your world and beyond.  The skeleton of the Universe begins with YOU. 

When you are ready to stretch a little further simply close your eyes, focus inward, find the stillness and "see" a multidimensional cube suspended in space.  Locate the four pillars that define the corners of the cube.  Notice the first pillar closest to you is YOU.  In a moment we will use Soul Dance to bring this image and power of YOU into clarity.  Broaden your soul vision to "see" the next pillar.  It is mankind.  Become aware that mankind is a single energetic entity.  Expand your "sight" to include the third pillar ...your planet.  Notice how it is polarized top and bottom, feel how its magnetic harmony anchors the cube.  Finally extend your "sight" to the fourth pillar ... The Universe, sense the energy flow within it.  Notice how each of the four pillars are equal in size, power and placement.  YOU are empowered to become your own miracle.   

If you so choose you may begin your third experience with Soul Dance.  When ready, once again, close your eyes, search inward and find the place where you "see" four powerful pillars anchoring the four outer sides of the multi-dimentional cube suspended in space.   Locate the pillar which is YOU.  Bring this pillar into deeper focus.  Breathe a little deeper, still your mind, go to your Soul Song, hear your unique melody.  Bring the melody into your heart and hold for a moment.  When it feels right, widen your vision until you sense the energy of your transluscent signature colours.  Be with them as them come together to begin their dance to the melody.   As you move with your signature energy, your SOUL, becomes the pillar that is YOU in the structure of the Universe.  YOU are there, taking your place as SOUL energy anchoring your corner of the cube.
Stay in this moment, in this time, in this place for no longer than a few moments allowing yourself to sense to structure of which your SOUL is an anchor. Feel the JOY, the grounding and the harmony of the anatomy of the Universe.  Know that by "being" here in the fullness of SOUL you are healing.   Now become aware of and move back into heart gratitude as you prepare to return to your earthly dimension. 
Bring your SOUL awarness gently back into Heart, breathe into the stillness becoming aware of your heart beat.  Return slowly to your human self, in this moment, in this time, in this place.  Feel you human body awakening, appreciating your moments with SOUL and gently come back into awakening.   

Dearest SoulDancers, You may be wondering why you can't just learn how to Soul Dance and go out this minute magically dancing to find your life purpose, give away your fear, stress and pain. In this time in your world, in our Universe, healing is necessary and imminent.  As SoulDancers, in your awareness of the power of the Dance, you will become healers.  Most of you will dance for your own pleasure at first.  Soul Remembrance comes from Soul Dancing.  The joy and passion you remember will help YOU to heal yourself first.  Your healing energy organically combines with all the other healers to subtly heal the energy of your beautiful planet.  The healing energy of your planet effortlessly ripples outwards into the Universal Dimensions to harmonize and stabalize the Universal Energy Flow.   So, you see Dear Ones, while Soul Dance may appear as child like return to innocence, you are actually returning to infinite wisdom and healing.     

We, The Guardians are teaching you steps to Remembrance and teaching you the anatomy of healing because you need knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an empowered life.  As you evolve to partner with your SOUL you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions.  Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for YOUR world. 

So, now is the moment to return to your intention to Soul Dance Beyond The Veil.  

It is time to answer these questions.  WHY do you feel a need to Soul Dance?  How do you want Remembrance as SOUL to change your life?  

In our next message, you will learn the anatomy of healing yourself first.  And you will use Soul Dance again to connect to the essence of your own healing.

So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you  and your SOUL remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

           The SoulDancer

Saturday, 5 November 2011

Healing Heart - A Soul Dance Remembrance

Beautiful Soul Dancers

Your gateway to Source opens a little wider with each deepening glimpse of your Soul’s Heart Song.  Heart Song is the love language of The Universe and each time your touch Heart Song, you heal your heart, your planet and your Universe a little more.   

Today, with your permission, Dear Ones, our partnership in Remembrance continues. Once again, we will glide into Heart Song with you, as you begin your dance with SOUL.  Allow yourself not only to listen for the melody with transparent soul ears but feel the veil lift from your SoulDancer eyes to discover the magnificent colours of your own SOUL.  

In earlier messages, you learned how to trigger your Heart Song melodies and open your awareness to a larger vision of the birth of human “being-ness” and the birth of SOUL.   You felt a slight shimmer of Universal memory while reading about SOUL "being" your  inter-dimensional presence.  Body sensations like the a heart expanding, a glowing warmth, your eyes getting a little fuzzy, breathing deepening and slowing, these are all hints that your SOUL is remembering and rejoining the Universal Energy Flow.  This is healing on all levels;  human, planet and Universe.    

If however, you are not yet ready to open fully, simply read this message, feel what you feel and remember what you remember, knowing that this is enough. The choice is always with you, Dear Ones. 
Are you ready to remember a little more about Heart Song?  If yes,  begin by preparing a quiet place where you can release all distraction, turn off technology, close the door on your earthliness, the mind noise, music, children and pets.  Read what comes next.  Read it a second time, feeling a little more of the message.  When you are ready and for only a few moments, in this time and in this place release here and now, to remember your soul dancing in the time before time.   
Whenever you are ready...
Close your eyes, relax your body listening with soul ears for any noise within your mind.  See the noise dissolving slowly and simply dissipating into nothingness.  As your mind stills, begin to breathe into your heart. Feel it expanding a little more with each breath. And with each breath, breathe a little deeper ....  until you find the stillness.  
Move slowly into the stillness slipping into the spaces between heart beats ... With transparent ears feel for your whispering SOUL melody. Listen for the wisp of music almost unheard, allowing it to come forward a little at a time. Rest in the hint of melody, sway with the melody ...moving with your heart song ...  
Become aware of the harmonic of your SOUL allowing the sound vibration to grow. Simply let your soul take flight as before, safe in knowing that it is always connected to your heart and We are holding your hand.  Feel the vibration opening your heart as you play in this place of connection...   
Slowly become aware of a freeform mist of changing iridescent colours replacing your solid human body.  This is your SOUL remembering its true form.  Broaden your vision into awareness of your SOUL shimmering with its own unique combination of signature colours ... bronze melting into saffron and gold ... apple green swirling with iridescent white ... transparent sky blue mingling with translucent magenta, pinks and purples...      As your Soul Melody moves through the colours, extend tender senses searching for the colours which are yours alone.  As each signature colour let’s itself be known, gather it into your Heart Song.  Feel the melody swirl with them, through them, feel the power of them growing and going transparent only to rebuild their translucent colour mists again and again swelling and dwindling  with your melody ... WHO are you?
Feel your signature colours infusing your heart, your mind, the cells of your body, Remember Who YOU Are?   No words, no thoughts, no careers, nothing but Universal Conscious Remembrance that is a sensation, an expansion, a hint ... because your human mind cannot hold more than a hint.  No answers, no directions, no massive revelation ... a hint, a remembrance of SOUL connected to The Universe.  

A few more moments to remember your SOUL Body, to live in Soul, to breathe in Soul, to Dance in Soul.   Remember.   Dear Ones, it is time to return to your human being-ness.   

Rest ... as you release Soul... breathe again into your heart, letting  Heart Song fade gently as you return into the space between the heart beat, into the stillness, resting here a moment before your let your mind and heart return to this moment, in this time, in this place.  

Again rest, reflect, acknowledge and thank your SOUL for connecting. Your reality awaits, return holding the resonance of JOY within your heart, your body, your awareness.   Move your awareness from Heart into Mind as you awaken slowly back into now returning gently back into solid form once more.  Breathe slowly for a few moments to fully centre back into self-awareness.  

What is our message today?  
As you read the description of Heart Song, your SOUL body stirs as Remembrance returns.  Dear Ones know that We hold the safe space for your Remembrance as you also hold it for yourself.  

This is your second touch, second remembrance, fleeting, transparent... an awakening.
You are stepping lightly into the fullness of your Heart Song and Soul Harmonic. Know Heart Song is real.

How will you use this message? 
Our recommendation is to use this message gently.  Take your time, touch lightly on Soul Remembrance.  Your reality is anchored into the earth plain, your purpose is here and your love and life and work is here.  Living your purpose during your lifetime within your earth reality is how you make your greatest contribution to the Universe.  We need for your to stay connected to the earth plain.  We need for you to heal your hearts.  This is why we are giving you Remembrance of Soul Dance in this moment, in this time, in this place.

A Warning!
Do not wish or dream or plan to live your life outside your dimension suspended in Soul Dance.  Know that when your time on Earth is done, your SOUL returns to its Source to continue its work and its Dance BUT that is not your path now.   We need you to know Soul Dance so that you will now consciously begin to heal yourselves.  In healing yourselves you heal the planet and your healing ripples continue out into the Universe.   

How will you heal yourselves?  
Begin to listen for your Heart Song playing gently in the background of everything you do. It may be a whisper, an expansion in your heart, a mist before your eyes.... Trust it is there, playing just below the surface for you to rest against any time you need. ...the SOUL expresses itself not only in speaking through your heart and mind as thoughts and questions but essentially through movement to music that only SOUL and YOU can hear.

In our next message We will continue our dialogue about Healing with Heart Song and SOUL. 

So be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of your creation and communion with all others.

Enjoy InJOY

          The SoulDancer