Saturday, 31 December 2011

Soul Dance Healing Your Planet, Your Dimension and Our Mutual Universe - A Remembrance

Welcome Dearest Soul Dancers

Today is December 31, 2011.  This is the last day of the Mayan Long Count Calendar. This ends one long period of a vibrational frequency that has impacted humanity's consciousness.  January 01, 2012 is the birth of a slightly altered version of the past frequency.  Within this new frequency there is a new information gathering/dispersing loop searching for input from outside itself.  

YOU have been given your own access card to rewrite the energy signature of this vibrational frequency.  Soul Dance is your access key.

What does this mean?
Over the past 8 weeks We have been preparing you to use this access.  You have been relearning your soul birthright to consciously communicate in the Universal Language.  You needed to practice and learn this to use your access card in 2012.   Your work, partnered with Our work is to correct the damage mankind has done to itself, it's planet and it's Universe.  The correction begins and stays within your own energy signature.  There is no other work for you to do.  No protests, no public outcry, no armies or wars.  This is gentle work that strengthens who you are, the purpose you fulfil, the way you walk in the world of man. 

We, The Soul Guardians, are prepared to continue with this guidance.    Are you pepared to step up to your responsibility?  

This morning in the pre-dawn light, SoulDancer Our translator, was awakened with Our call to action.  Curious about the delay between promised messages, We reminded her that your dimension's few days is measured in revolutions of your sun around your planet.  To Us, days has a different meaning. Time is irrelevant when compared to timing!  Now!  Today ... is the day you need the next message. 

What do you need to know about this message?
Part of this message will be another journey into the Soul Dance to heal YOU, your Planet and Our Universe.  The other part of the message is, as always the learning required before and after the Dance. 

The Learning begins... 
Healing one single cell, one micro-milli-centimeter of the smallest piece of atomic matter that makes up your physical energy signature in this earthly dimension is enough to trigger mass healing simultaneously rippling from within you, through man's combine soul energy, reaching your planet and reaching the Universe.  By the time this ripple reaches the Universal SOUL level, it has become what you would recognize as an unstoppable tsunammi!

SoulDancer, has been given her work for this last day of your earth calendar before the shift into 2012.  She will channel our messages throughout this day, then prepare them as a series to be released when We advise her to release them to you.  We will post on the days that YOU need to hear them. There may be gaps but never fear that We have forgotten you or that SoulDancer has become bored . 

SoulDancer has opened her life path to do this work.  She has chosen to widen her life by including this work without expectation of being more than our translator.  She understands through her soul connection that this message is being delivered by countless other translators also doing the work she is doing.  The message is essentially the same.  Here is an important concept for YOU to open to.  
Just as every religion has love at it's core, and every prophet has the good of man in his/her heart, the method of delivery is unique to each messenger because the people being reached have a unique way of hearing the message. 
YOU are here, reading this message because you resonate on the same frequency as SoulDancer.  YOU can read, integrate and heal with the messages as she translates in the way that she best understands, at her intuitive level.   SoulDance is visual person.  She is also immersed in the process in a way that fascinates her curiosity.  Essentially, she sees in pictures which move into word thoughts. She then asks questions.   We provide the answers to her questions and guide her through her process until she understands what We need for her to translate to YOU. 

This morning her pictures began with the first three sentences in this post.  The next picture was a velvety black dimension, endless, rich in the depth of the blackness.  Then an image in glowing white began to form.  ....  The 3D image is of glowing white double french doors, each with an ornate pewter coloured door handle shaped like a closed angel wing.  SoulDancer reached out to grasp those handles, intuitively knowing that the  moment she put downward pressure on them, both doors would swing outward, slowly, in perfectly matched unison.  Slowly, she applies a tantelizing downward pressure ....the doors glide soundlessly open.  Moving at their own slow pace, a crack of light appears between them,  She is opening into a new dimension with a different vibrational frequency.  She senses that this frequency is altered yet on a continuum from 2011.  SoulDancer has learned that at moments like this, when her reality blends with Ours, The Veil between dimensions is lifting. 

The Soul Dance Begins ......
Dear Ones, if you  so choose to take this dance, in this moment, in this place, at this time, We ask that you pause, as always, to form your intention BEFORE you continue into the Dance.  Ask what it is you need to know, to experience or to heal through this experience.  Hold this intention in your heart in this moment, in this place and at this time.  Feel your intention opening, expanding and touching your Soul as you consciously choose to Dance Beyond the Veil into 2012. 

Know that as always, We are here, holding you in a safe space, journeying with you and guiding your safe return.
Take this moment to write your intention down, so that it will be here to guide your memory to heal, to learn, to experience, when you return.

The Dance begins with your intention....

If you are ready, be with SoulDancer at the threshold of the glowing white french doors... notice how your hands are now resting on her hands, your body is with her body, your soul eyes are visioning what she is visioning. 

The doors continue to glide out into the vastness, the sliver of light begins to open more fully.  Breathe into the stillness in your heart, as she is breathing into the stillness of her heart.  

With her, listen for the spaces between the heart beats.  The light is getting broader and beginning to fill one quarter of the space between glowing opening white doors.  And you are slipping through between the heart beats into deeper and deeper stillness.  

You and Souldancer are resting in now.  Resting, with the deep stillness, the darkness and the new light all at the same time.  You are with the dimensions.

As you rest, your soul ear is listening for the melody ... your heart song.  With the light, comes wisps of your melody. 

Breathe in the essence deeply.  Feel your heart song, the cadence, the movement of the song.  Feel that you are with SoulDancer, with Us, with every other being who's soul hands reached to open those doors.  Feel the presence of your Soul Group, the healing messengers for mankind, your planet and the Universe as the frequency of the Universal Soul reads your intention to heal, to know and to experience beyond your human beingness. 

Sense the doors opening to halfway.  Breathe in the golden, white,  light.  Move as the dance expands, notice the colour wisps emerging from the light. 

Dancing, you are the passion, the joy, the magnificent freedom.  Beckoned, you merge into the Dance.  Your essence is both with you and with the dance, spiralling, blending, merging, spiralling again.  Fading, disappearing, growing, you are your colours, all colours, no colours.  You are Soul, you are beingness, you are freedom and light and healing and massive soul love that has merged with the Universal Source .  The light is expanding, the doors have swung fully open into 2012.  The velvety blackness is gone, the white doors are gone, your entire vista is pure golden white light, dancing colours and heart song, as you have joined the SoulDance missions of countless other souls. You are merging, into and out of each other.  Essence touching essence to heal where healing needs to be in minds, bodies, planets, universes.  The colours are beyond what you have ever experienced.   Yet you will retain them when your return to human form.   The joy is heart breakingly beautiful yet, almost unfathomable in human terms. 

You will retain the heart feeling of these moments, in this place and in this time, of no time.   You are dimensionless, and still connected to earth planet and your dimension.  You are a unique essence and connected in Oneness to every other essence that exists ... human, animal, non human, plant, rock other beingness. 

You heal and they heal at the same time. 

Rest here, inhale this moment knowing you can return here at will, following the Soul Dance path through heart into Soul Connection. 

In a moment, the Dance will slow and you will call your essence back into your beingness.  Your awarenss has been raised to healing in this coming human standard of time.  Of necessity, you may not stay in Soul for long periods of time.  

In a moment you will follow your path back into heart to return to your time, and your place, to do the work you are discovering is only one of your purposes.  

Remember to thank those with whom you dance the healing dance.  Offer your gratitude in melody, in how you reveal your colour essence.  

Feel the Oneness, hold to this connectedness between the dimensions, between the souls with whom you danced.  They are your support, always here when you call to them. 
Dance when you need to regain your balance, to initiate your healing and the healing of your Planet. 

Returning to your Dimension....

It is time to consciously bring your essence back into the stillness of your heart. 
Rest here for a few moments in the Oneness of you, your conscious partnering with Soul, your heart and your beingness. 
Listen for your heart beat.  Breathe with your heart beat and when you are ready, knowing that this Soul Dance will journey with you in your consciousness, slip through the spaces between the beats to gently come back into human beingness and presence. 
Feel the blood coursing through your human body, feel the awareness of your humanity in your fingers and toes.  Stretch and move your body as if you were still in Soul Dance.  Enjoy your human-ness; for without it, your purpose would not be fulfilling itself.    When you are ready, you will come back to NOW. 

We continue the learning ...  after the Dance 
Today's message is Experience.  The change in vibrational frequency between 2011 and 2012 is real.  You have your access card to make a difference and you have the training to use your access key.  Return to the beginning of these trainings, slowly go through each lesson.  Find your special messages, the ones only you can see.  Trust they are there.  Become whole with your Soul partner, move in conscious partnering with your Soul to touch Source Energy and the Universal language of love.

Over the next few months you may feel a shift, an sense of difference without knowing what or how or even when it will all return to a comfort level that resonates for you. 

The Larger Message
This is a new age, Your technology has created the opening for shift.  Global communication has opened a Pandora's Box.  What you, the collective YOU , the Soul You of Mankind on this planet choose to do with with this power is within YOUR power to guide. 

You've been in soul consciousness with Soul Dance and experienced pure love without restriction.  We are asking YOU to take responsihbility to make this shift into positve frequency, a higher vibration than has been experienced since the birth of your planet and mankind on it. 

We are aking YOU to step into the Universal Flow of Source energy consciously by simply making your actions, actions of high love, oneness with all religions, all races, all cultures, with equality in your hearts not just your law books, with giving awareness to disolve the barriers of perceived intellect, history and politics.  With giving awareness to current need for armies to violate others in protection of some.  We ask that you create  connections in small ways between people who would not normally know each other.  We ask for a critical mass awareness in the coming calendar year to shift human beingness into conscious soul connections for the soul purpose of disolving the barriers between just two real people at at time.  We ask that you become the role model for real people you touch every day.  

We spoke of 2012 being the beginning of an altered energetic frequency having a new feedback loop.  The training you receive here, through Soul Dance is your input access key.  You are learning how to generate the kind of input this loop is searching for.  The loop collects higher (positive) frequency waves for the purpose of healing mankind, the planet and the Universe. 

If the energy is present, healing will occur because the loop picks it up and sends it where it needs to go.  Think of the possibilites for renewal. 

This shift is mulilayered.  SoulDancer is learning to shift between multiple layers in her life becasue she is seeing how the connections blend and enhance each level.  She lives a deepening richness even though there are moments of overwhelm and confusion of what to do next.  She is learning to move more into heart, between the beats and into the silence to find her answers.  This is what she is bringing to the others she touches everyday. 

Soul Dance happens on many levels.  Simply go into silence, slipping into a moment with soul for clarity, rest, reasurrance, connection and self love. 

Checking in with your Intention...
This  is the moment to return to your Intention for today's Soul Dance.  What did you learn that you didn't know before?  What have you noticed has been healed and what are you feeling at this moment that you haven't felt before? 

Today you reached out to heal your Planet and The Universe.  Know that you have affected healing in both.  Know that when you heal your self, you heal a small piece of mankind and in doing so, your outreach healing flows to the magnetic polarity of your planet.  You have helped to change the frequency of the vibration of mankind which ultimately affectes the polarity of  your planet. 

Positive shift in the energetic frequency acts as a correction, lessening magnetic tensions both inside and outside the planet at the same time.  Eventually with enough correction the wild chaotic earth changes your planet is experiencing will settle and resume a gentler existence. 

The lessons continue in Our next post, building on this experience with more personal enlightenment for each Soul Dancer who chooses to return to continue this work.    

So be welcome and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomness of your creation and communion with all others. 

Enjoy InJoy

          SoulDancer, translator for The Soul Guardians


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