Monday, 12 December 2011

Healing Earth A Remembrance

Welcome Dearest Soul Dancers

Once again We guide you into Soul Dance.  The intention of this message is to teach you the essentials required to trigger healing of your beautiful Planet. 

While today gives you the mechanics of healing, our next message will take the learning out into the Dimensions, inviting Mankind to Soul Dance with you to increase the velocity of the healing process. 

Should you choose to enter this classroom ... in this moment, in this time, in this place ... you will learn not only why you must begin the healing now but how to Soul Dance to begin your Planet's healing.   Be confident that as always We hold you in this safe space as you open to Soul Dance.
Be reminded that you are the most powerful master healer in this entire healing process. 

How do you heal a Planet?
To heal your planet, understanding your own  empowerment as part of the cellular structure of your Planet Soul is the first essential.  We will attempt to explain this Universal concept in a way the human mind can accept and hold onto.

Every message opens another layer of Soul Energy.  In this moment, We segment how each element of your existence on Earth has its own soul energy and how YOU connect to and impact it. 

What are the Soul Elements
Here, We speak of five soul elements held within your world sphere. These elements are:
1. YOU    2. your Soul   3. Mankind's Soul    4. The Planet's Soul   5.  The Universal Source soul energy conduit  
The importance is in KNOWING that your emotional energy is the hub that speaks directly to each of these elements. "What you think has direct impact in each centre at the same time".  Awareness is power to heal!  

Understand that each element is simultaneously individual AND multiple partnered energy units woven together in unbreakable and connected patterns of soul energies.  Take this moment to visualize being an individual separate and distinct from but connected to 4 other building blocks.  

Pause here to re-read this part of the message. This concept is slippery.  Dear Ones...Try only to hold the idea of  multiplicity within your Soul Being.

We explain the 5 elements as you move deeper into the first element.   We start by describing YOU, the physical and the soul then continue by connecting you directly to each of the other 3 elements.
1.  YOU....Your physical presence is the physical and emotional vessel that holds your Soul Being.  YOU now consciously share awareness with the soul, who touches the remaining 3 elements, experiencing and influencing outside the human dimension. 

2.  Your Soul Being....with your conscious awareness of this fact, you are now partnering with Soul to improve your existence. 
Your focus narrows as you visualize your own soul energy as a single powerful glowing strand.

Now broaden your focus as you bring into awareness how a single strand of DNA repeats itself in each and every cell. This is representative of your soul's strand, similar to your individual fingerprint.
3.  Mankind ....Can you visualize this single strand your Soul Energy, your fingerprint within the massive cellular structure of Mankind?    

4.   Your Planet    Now visualize your fingerprint glowing within the energetic structure of your Planet

5.   The Universe   Move your soul eyese to viewing your fingerprint glowing in the energy flow of The Universe. 
Dear One, you have just envisioned the multiplicity of your soul being. 

Don't be concerned if today this seems confusing.  In our next message you take this learning out to Soul Dance.  It will all become very clear, empowering, powerful and magnificently beautiful beyond human words.  At that moment, in that time and in that place, you will, as always be present as witness from within your heart, breathing into the stillness, joining with your heart melody and taking on Soul Energy form. You will experience the duality We speak of when you are both witness and Dancer as you invite other soul energies of Mankind to dance.  The joy and passion of the Dance will influence the energy signature of Mankind's Soul, triggering a return to balance and the beginning of healing for the Planet. 

Your Healing Intention
Dear One, as always We remind you of the power of intention.  Today's foundational awareness of your pivotal power, impact on your world and the Universe broadens your world view and your place of power within that world view.

We come to a moment of decision.  Will you become a master healer of your Planet?   OR remain a silent witness to all that will come? 

If you so choose to become a master healer, this is the moment, this is the time and this is the place where you create your intention as a master healer. 

Starting with a small intention: 
Simple stretch your soul sense, soul eyes and soul ears searching for just one small thing that needs healing, needs new awareness or needs to grow. 

As you move into Soul Dance in our next message you will bring this intention to the dance openly inviting all Soul Beings to join the Dance.  The power is in mass intention focussed on a single healing of one small piece of your world. 

So, pause to find your intention.  Loosely play with this intention over the next few days before our next message and your 6th Soul Dance.  

Look for moments where healing would improve life for yourself and everyone around you.  Look out into the world for small healings that would make the difference.  

To change the temperatore of the emotional climate of the world as it touches your life is a good place to begin your practice. 

Over time you will expand your healings to the larger world arena, joining with many other Soul Beings doing the same work. 

There is community and healing power in the Soul Dimension and YOU are already part of this community.  Welcome

A Soul Guardians' Request to YOU
We ask that you open your human awareness, suspend human logic and consciously partner with your Soul Mind as We reveal and remind you how Soul energies work.

In previous messages,We have focussed on how you consciously partner with Soul to touch Source. 
Today We deepened your learning to hint at  how Mankind's emotional energy affects the stability of your Planet and how you begin to correct the current instability.

In Our next message you will Soul Dance to heal Mankind's emotional energy signature, triggering Planetary return to balancing the Earth's magnetic signature with each small step in the Dance.

So be welcome and encouraged that the future for your world is vast and beautiful and magnificent as you and your soul remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of  your creation and communion with all others. 

Enjoy InJOY

           SoulDancer,  translator to The Soul Guardians


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