Dearest Soul Dancers,
In our last message, We moved from guide to teacher of healing. If you so choose, today you begin the mastery of becoming humanity's healers. We have explained WHY it is important for the balance and harmony of your world and our mutual Universe that mankind heal itself and it's home planet.
Today, your mastery of healing begins with understanding the empowerment of being in SOUL in the Soul Body of mankind, as the soul energy of mankind anchors your planet.
Why become healers of mankind, when healing yourself might be enough?
The purpose of this training, Dear Ones, is to remind you of the sensation of being "in" soul body as not just yourself but all of mankind globally. You will remember what it feels like to "BE" mankind. Man has given away it's connection to mankind and disconnected from Universal Source. You have been here before, remembrance begins the healing phase.
If you are ready to begin.... Dear Ones, please silently reaffirm and gently hold your intention for what you personally need to know, heal or share through remembrance of Soul. Simply know that your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered for your highest and greatest good. As you open awareness, know that We are always holding you in a safe space.
Simply relax mind and body, breathe and then breathe a little deeper and again a little deeper, listening for the stillness.
When you are ready, bring into your soul vision, the picture of the cube that is the Universe. When you have that visual, add to the image, sensation, as you slowly bring into your human body, the physical sense of your Soul Body, all light, colour, ethereal movement, dancing to an unearthly melody powerfully anchoring mankind as the 2nd of 4 pillars supporting the cube's structure.
Now converge all this sensation of holding that visual from your body into your heart. Focus all sensation into your heart.
As you briefly rest here, prepare to "remember" the sensations of being the human consciously partnered with Soul embedded and anchored. Slowly broaden your Soul awareness to share with the human YOU, how it physically feels in terms a human can understand to be anchoring your corner of the structure of the Universe.
Breathe into and rest in this awakened awareness, clearing your Soul Vision until you are ready to return to this moment, this time and this place in your own human dimension. Prepare to return to human reality.
Slowly breathe back into the stillness, into the spaces between the heartbeats, back into your own human body, feeling sensation in all parts of your body and your mind. As you reawaken into here and now, bring with you the "remembrance" of Soul touching Source, healing that in you and in mankind which needs to be healed. Rest and offer appreciation for the knowing.
Dearest Soul Dancers, you are your own individual self and all of mankind in the same moment.
What are you "remembering"? You have been in Soul before, many times. As human, you are remembering that you have never been alone. You partner in a greater whole. The Oneness of humanity impacts the Oneness of the Universe. There is harmony and melody between all four corners of the cube that stabalize and regulate the Universe.
YES ... We promised you healing for Mankind. This healing Soul Dance is held in the heart, uplifted by the Soul and a tool to trigger healing. The more often you return to touch Source, intending to heal self and mankind's self the healing will increase and become stronger.
Warning: Your purpose is remain human and live your life in human terms, loving in human ways and healing in every way you can. We do not recommend or require that you immerse yourself in Soul. Your human minds were not designed to touch Source for more than a few moments at a time. To become a master healer, starts with awareness and recognition when you need to touch Source by moving into a conscious sharing with Soul for limited times, with a definite intention and always following the formula provided with each Soul Dance experience for entering and existing all Soul encounters.
So once again, now is the moment to return to your intention for this Soul Dance Beyond the Veil. What was your intention for today? How was it fulfilled?
So, be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of creation and in communion with all others.
Enjoy InJOY
SoulDancer, translator for The Soul Guardians
In our last message, We moved from guide to teacher of healing. If you so choose, today you begin the mastery of becoming humanity's healers. We have explained WHY it is important for the balance and harmony of your world and our mutual Universe that mankind heal itself and it's home planet.
Today, your mastery of healing begins with understanding the empowerment of being in SOUL in the Soul Body of mankind, as the soul energy of mankind anchors your planet.
To heal mankind's energy begins with understanding through physical sensation the magnificence and joy of the work SOUL does. This is pure love, joy and awesome beauty. You are about to Soul Dance for the 5th time. Learning how to heal by experiencing gentle healing as you touch Souce. To heal and to become a master healer begins with "remembering" the joy of touching Source.
Why become healers of mankind, when healing yourself might be enough?
The purpose of this training, Dear Ones, is to remind you of the sensation of being "in" soul body as not just yourself but all of mankind globally. You will remember what it feels like to "BE" mankind. Man has given away it's connection to mankind and disconnected from Universal Source. You have been here before, remembrance begins the healing phase.
To begin this sharing, We ask as always that you remember that you are a human being having a human experience CONSCIOUSLY shared with SOUL. To become a master healer, consciously becoming aware of how you move into SOUL, We ask that you set your intention for what you need to learn, heal or share to guide you through your learning and healing process.
Setting your intention for Soul Dance, Healing Mankind
So Dear One, if you so choose to Soul Dance for a 5th time, please take a moment to set your intention for today's journey. Simply reading this post is enough to trigger healing. To become a master healer, begins with intention and then the Dance.
What do YOU need to learn, to heal or to share, in this moment, in this time, in this place?
Before We begin the dance ... imagine what it is to "feel" yourself moving into the "Soul Body" of all of mankind? Imagine that massive Soul Body, as a glowing, translucent pillar filled with light, melody, motion as it embedds and anchors mankind's global soul energy to support the planet.
This is a duality, an instantaneous, simulataneous two way connection. For simplicity, the only way We can explain it is that as Soul you are having a human experience, consciously aware that you are in an extended Soul Body.
Translation: There is an experiential loop where Soul experiences how it feels to be a human experiencing being SOUL in it's global human energy form. Soul is both Your's as a single entity and Mankind's as a global entity both at the same time.
We, know that this is a large thought and it may feel as if it is too large to hold onto right now, but all you need to know is that you are going to experience something no human has ever before experienced. This first visit is to be a short introduction but you will return again to become stronger and more attuned as a global energy healer.The Dance Begins
If you are ready to begin.... Dear Ones, please silently reaffirm and gently hold your intention for what you personally need to know, heal or share through remembrance of Soul. Simply know that your moments in SOUL are powerful healing energy tools offered for your highest and greatest good. As you open awareness, know that We are always holding you in a safe space.
For the next few moments, in this time, in this place, We ask that you suspend all notions of "who" you have believed yourself to be as you move into "who" your Soul has always been merging with all of mankind's souls to anchor this planet. Visualize mankind anchoring the second pillar of the cube suspended in space that makes up the Universe.
Simply relax mind and body, breathe and then breathe a little deeper and again a little deeper, listening for the stillness.
Take this moment to still your mind, your heart and your body. Prepare to move into the stillness in your heart... to move into the spaces between the heartbeats... to connect with your heart melody and the translucent colours of your dancing Soul Body.
When you are ready, bring into your soul vision, the picture of the cube that is the Universe. When you have that visual, add to the image, sensation, as you slowly bring into your human body, the physical sense of your Soul Body, all light, colour, ethereal movement, dancing to an unearthly melody powerfully anchoring mankind as the 2nd of 4 pillars supporting the cube's structure.
Now converge all this sensation of holding that visual from your body into your heart. Focus all sensation into your heart.
Can you "SEE" your Soul Body as melody and dancing light vibrating with your "signature energy" in the form of the second pillar of the cube? "FEEL" your humanity slipping effortlessly into Soul Dance from within the earthly dimension. "BE" with Soul being the anchor to the planet as the planet is one of many anchors to the Universe. "Rest" with SOUL, rest with Mankind's Soul, rest with the Planet, rest with the Universe. Soul as always is touching SOURCE. As you rest in Soul, as Soul touches Source ... "FEEL" the joy and passion as a piece of yourself heals. Feel your healing ripple out to all of mankind, to your planet and finally back to your Universe. "SEE" the colours of your dancing Soul as it anchors you, the larger YOU who is all of mankind and your planet. "SEE" the awesomenes of the healing you are part of . "BE" at ONE with all that is, all that ever has been and all that ever will be. Rest in this place as you let pure love and passion wash through you and through mankind.
As you briefly rest here, prepare to "remember" the sensations of being the human consciously partnered with Soul embedded and anchored. Slowly broaden your Soul awareness to share with the human YOU, how it physically feels in terms a human can understand to be anchoring your corner of the structure of the Universe.
"Notice and become aware of" how you are simulataneously in Soul mind and body and Human mind and body at the same time. Hold that thought for a moment. "Feel" from within your heart the duality between YOU and your SOUL lifting and dissipating. This is the Veil that separates the dimensions. You have Danced Beyond The Veil.
Breathe into and rest in this awakened awareness, clearing your Soul Vision until you are ready to return to this moment, this time and this place in your own human dimension. Prepare to return to human reality.
Slowly breathe back into the stillness, into the spaces between the heartbeats, back into your own human body, feeling sensation in all parts of your body and your mind. As you reawaken into here and now, bring with you the "remembrance" of Soul touching Source, healing that in you and in mankind which needs to be healed. Rest and offer appreciation for the knowing.
Dearest Soul Dancers, you are your own individual self and all of mankind in the same moment.
What are you "remembering"? You have been in Soul before, many times. As human, you are remembering that you have never been alone. You partner in a greater whole. The Oneness of humanity impacts the Oneness of the Universe. There is harmony and melody between all four corners of the cube that stabalize and regulate the Universe.
YES ... We promised you healing for Mankind. This healing Soul Dance is held in the heart, uplifted by the Soul and a tool to trigger healing. The more often you return to touch Source, intending to heal self and mankind's self the healing will increase and become stronger.
Warning: Your purpose is remain human and live your life in human terms, loving in human ways and healing in every way you can. We do not recommend or require that you immerse yourself in Soul. Your human minds were not designed to touch Source for more than a few moments at a time. To become a master healer, starts with awareness and recognition when you need to touch Source by moving into a conscious sharing with Soul for limited times, with a definite intention and always following the formula provided with each Soul Dance experience for entering and existing all Soul encounters.
We, The Soul Guardians are teaching you the steps to Remembrance and the anatomy of healing because you need this knowledge to anchor your safe transition into an anchored life. As you evolve to partner with Soul, you will be reconnecting with powerful emotions. Understanding the simple anatomy of healing will ground you before you move deeper into empowerment that will continue a holistic change for your world.
So once again, now is the moment to return to your intention for this Soul Dance Beyond the Veil. What was your intention for today? How was it fulfilled?
In our next message you will learn how to heal the Soul Energy of the Planet and The Universe, once again using Soul Dance to begin the process.
So, be welcomed and encouraged that the future is vast and beautiful and awesome as you and your Soul remember together what it is to fly free bathed in the awesomeness of creation and in communion with all others.
Enjoy InJOY
SoulDancer, translator for The Soul Guardians
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